07 - Truce

- Run to the tree - Alma shouted.

The mermaids were confused, but ready to go into battle with their tridents aimed at enemies that had emerged from various sides. A vampire, a witch and several thirsty wolves. Although Lilian had made her position clear, the mermaids would not trust anyone.

Then the first attack started.

The wolves came forward with the only weapons they had, teeth and claws. Ligia, a port mermaid, sizzled her throat showing that she also had sharp teeth.

On impulse, a wolf at his back, advanced towards him and sank his teeth into Ligia's leg, which screamed, almost deafening the nearest wolves.

The mermaids could end that battle with just their voice, but they were too busy trying not to be killed. To make use of the deadly cry they needed concentration. The wolves knew well where to attack the mermaids, so they aimed at the throat, but it wouldn't be so easy.


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