
A high-pitched whine was heard from outside and all three wolves bristled. Ethan was pale and waiting outside the room. For his part Dixon had Fenrir, who was trembling with nerves, draped over one arm.

Who would have told them that, only a year away from completing their marriage with their mate, she would be having a baby at that moment. And they couldn't have been more terrified that something would happen to her.

Dixon seemed the calmest of the three, but nothing could be further from the truth. The thought of something happening to Clara was what scared him the most.

It had been nice to watch her with her tummy growing day by day until it became uncomfortable for her to move, how she slept between them to seek their warmth and comfort and best of all how she smelled. So sweet it melted.

But the birthing process was a scary thing.

Suddenly a last whimper worse than the previous ones and then silence. The two wolves together with Fenrir who squeezed Dixon's neck tightly stood still
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