
     Everyone stopped and tried to listen to what the hybrid heard, but unfortunately no one noticed anything, no noise and so decided to proceed. The only thing they noticed was that the deeper they got into the tunnel, the more they felt as if the width increased giving the feeling

of more space. Everything seemed quiet as Linh Bien began to run meaninglessly shouting, "Help!" help! – Everyone followed but saw no one, something was happening. Suddenly she stopped and started screaming again: – Get me out of here. – In her head she was trapped in

a circle of fire, and whenever she tried to react, the flames increased. Once trapped in her delusions, the others could not help her, only she herself could do it. All the efforts of the other members of the group to try to bring her to reality were futile, and the worst, besides wasting

time, Sandra was already beginning to feel the effects. No more, she fell to th
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