Suddenly, Smarald used her power and led her friend to an alternate reality, knowing that no one could follow her or listen to her. When Leonor saw her attitude, she realized that it was compromising their reputation, but especially Vlad's daughter. Maybe it could even cause instability in the vampire clan. As she'd promised she wouldn't tell anyone and wouldn't break her promise, Smarald was revealing the reason for her pain, and Leonor couldn't believe what she was hearing. How her friend fell in love with an Archangel! Worst of all, why had she given herself to such an absurd love, knowing the terrible consequences it could suffer. This made her totally shocked and perplexed, because she did not understand why her friend had not tried to avoid this catastrophe.
Already, on the other side of the world, Michael had already found a replacement for Sandra a
As soon as Michael and Sandra disembarked at the airport, theytook a taxi and stayed at an inn called “B&B Angela”. As they hadpreviously planned, they would rest a whole day before venturing intothe cave of St. Michael Archangel. After a good night sleep, as soon asthey both woke up, they had breakfast on the porch. The view of theGulf of Manfredonia was breathtaking, the place was cozy because,although simple, it contained all the comforts of modern life, even theinternet, which would be of great help in finding out the details of thecave history. As they rested from their journey, they were able to search in detailthrough the tablet they would pass until they reached the sanctuary;Michael even reviewed the story told about what happened on MountGargano to find something that might help him. After one day,recapping all the information, they both pac
Michael tried to react, but the current was very strong, and even ifhe could swim, he would be dragged. He swallowed water and, as littleas he could see, noticed that there were several submerged tunnels, butunfortunately, due to the circumstances, he could not choose which oneto follow. The current carried him through the winding path, crashinginto the underground walls, and in one such stroke he lostconsciousness. Luckily for him, the current took him into a kind ofpond, taking him inert to the water's edge. Meanwhile, Sandra remainedin St. Michael Archangel's cave, worried about her friend'sdisappearance. Meanwhile, in Romania, Smarald continued to behave strangelyand seemed worse, for there was a time when she fainted and, in fullmoons, disappeared from the castle without explanation. Vlad had beenwarned by a demon for some time that there was
In that instant, he had only one certainty: he had to save her, but todo so he had to reject those negative thoughts that were weakening him.For the first time, in an unconscious way, he tried to contact his innerpower, recalling all the advice given previously, to awaken the gift hehad been given. For a while he tried to interact with his spiritual energyhe had heard so much. Gradually it was succeeding. First, he was ableto channel his life force, and the more that strange energy grew withinhim, a strange light radiated around his body providing him withphysical comfort, but as his powers and knowledge evolved, that energygrew, and the light around him intensified, thus transmitting a sense ofself-confidence, while a superior rational understanding made his spiritprogress, transcending and reaching his astral level. When thishappened for the first time, he could distinguish one Smarald from the
After a long trip home, both Michael and Sandra arranged tomeet the next day to continue what they had agreed earlier on the trip.After leaving his friend at the door, he left to the farm. While Michaelwent on his way, Sandra, upon entering her house, met Cassius, whomshe was received with a tender kiss; after she told him about the trip toItaly and the success of her mission. She also mentioned what they wereintending to do, but as she recounted the details, she realized that afterthis warm reception her husband appeared to be concerned. – What's happening with you? I see you apprehensive – saidSandra. – It's nothing with me, but I've learned from other sources thatinside the vampire clan is a traitor, and that our vampire friend wasbehaving strangely. By the way, Sandra, do you know of any extraevents? – insisted Cassius, all concerned. – No. Michael
– All right, tell the demon to meet me in the young vampiretraining yard – ordered Vlad. After some time, the unexpected visit appeared. He was"ABIGOR" a mythical sorcerer or necromancer, considered by theancients to be a hellish genius, a kind of War Demon, and a commanderof the armies of Satan, who had the power to foretell the future and gainpast knowledge. He won countless battles until he was defeated byMichael Archangel. He also had another ability: he could put any beinginto a trance, temporarily knocking him unconscious, and he had theability to be invisible. These qualities plus countless victories made himreceive a magic scepter, which had the power to detect the good andevil of any individual, thus facilitating the selectivity of evil beings. Assoon as Vlad saw him, he acted in a very persuasive manner, as ifsurprised by the sudden visit, because, accordin
The meeting lasted for hours, but after so long together theymanaged to devise a strategy that seemed to be the most effective, butin order to execute it they would have to rely on the help of the hybrids.First, Sandra magically contacted Smarald, telling her more or less howthey would camouflage her disappearance from the castle, making Vladunaware of her absence. After thoroughly describing the plan, both setthe date and time of the meetings. The first was to be held with thehybrid and the second and last meeting in the Hoia-Baciu forest withMichael. After dismissin, Smarald fearfully burned the paper thatSandra wrote in a magical way. Before taking the first step of the plan,Sandra would have to charm a crystal. This stone was about four inches,so it was going to be easy to carry and would also go unnoticed asdecorative. After preparing the portion, she took the crystal and bathedit th
It was a tough week. After a failed mission, Michael was totallyshaken, and that was reflected in his spirit, but with the help of hisfriends, he was able to recover and overcome his traumas, rememberingwhat his objective was. This fortified his strength, restored his self-confidence, and encouraged him to practice and develop his skills withthe help of his friends, as each of them had tactics and powers thathelped stimulate both defense and offense. The trainings were intensive,day after day, with no respite to try to gain self-control of their gifts,which were: • Clairvoyance: ability to visualize events and objects at adistance. • Premonition: prediction of the future. • Retrocognition: view of past facts. • Mediumship: interaction between the living and the dead. • Psychometrics: The ability to gather data about someone or alocation when they com
Once her mission was completed, the vampire left the place,leaving them behind and went to meet Robert, who was waiting for herto return to the castle. As Leonor disappeared from Michael's sight, hein turn opened the envelope containing a letter and a map. Intrigued bywhat he saw, he began to read it. Each sentence he read causedsomething inside him to change, and in his mind several ideas came tohim, but by mixing them with certain feelings, he got himself into aninternal conflict, leaving him isolated in his own thoughts, thus limitinghim to being able to express himself. While Michael seemed to beabsent from his world, his friends were concerned about his lack ofreaction. They even thought it must be something very serious and thatthere would probably be no salvation for Smarald. They were minutesof agony because his friends had the uncertainty of the mission and heshuddered to know th