After several days of walking, Vlad and Smarald came close to the Hoia-Baciu Forest, where they could appreciate that each time they approached their destination, the atmosphere seemed darker. It was inexplicable and almost impossible to describe, and as they crossed the path that would lead them to a circular plateau deep in the forest, Dracula remarked to his daughter that the ritual was to be celebrated in that circle there was no vegetation in it. There was a kind of supernatural portal, which could be used by any mystical being, both good and evil. He also warned that as a human being, entering the forest, strange things could happen, such as hearing voices, seeing figures and other unforeseen events
As soon as Smarald stepped into the forest, she felt something sinister: the vegetation, besides being dense and closed, was bizarre, the trees seemed inexplicably charred, its wood wa
The next day Smarald woke up thirsty for blood. Robert had already predicted this, so in the castle dungeon there was a human whohad been captured a few days ago. However, before the young vampirequenched her thirst, Vlad led her to the vampire training ground. By thetime he got there, his loyal friend was already accompanied by his firstvictim, and seeing him, she turned into a vampire. In order to gain insight into the future skills his daughter might have, Vlad ordered hisfriend to let him go and by getting rid of Robert's hands, the individualtried to hide inside that place, but it was impossible because Smarald'sagility. It was incredible, and no matter how hard the man struggled toescape his clutches, it was pointless, and within seconds his victim wasimmobilized at the mercy of the young vampire who took the opportunity to savor the precious liquid that flowed through the veins of thatindividual
As soon as Vlad departed from the city, Smarald ordered Robertto warn the leaders that a meeting was to be held at the place whereheris ritual was celebrated, in the “hoia-baciu forest” for a week at eighto'clock and that it would to be held that all of them would be present.Over the days, the young leader carefully studied her father's notes,looking for a solution not to occur the same incident that caused thedeath of her mother, thus preserving the species of vampires. After somany hours of study, she came to the conclusion that it would be best toperform her duties in secret and, when they were to quench their thirstfor blood, to use new methods to avoid drawing attention due to recentfacts and events. Her ideas and new strategies had already beenestablished, and once they were put together, she would clarify her planfor a better and safer future. By
A few days went by and Vlad didn't send any news. Despite someconcern, his daughter had to run the new legacy and could not wait anylonger, so she ordered Robert to take care of the castle, the training ofthe young vampires, and the supposed business they had, so that ifDracula returned, he could warn her immediately, thanks to his powers.Her idea was to do an intercontinental tour to see if they were followingher orders. She would start in Europe, taking with her former vampiretrainer Michael Mcdowell (who was tall, athlete's body, appeared to be30 years old, white, black-eyed, short and black-haired) and had aknack for spotting mystical threats. During the crossing of European countries, she was first able togather her vampire clan who would advise and help administer her newlegacy. Among them was a vampire who, during her crusade acrossEurope, became her close frien
After several months, it came to Smarald's ears that his idea,executed by Vlad, had worked, was bold but was effective. Oszkar triedto hide in the woods, but the lack of experience and lack of control toquench his thirst for blood made him leave traces and evidence of hisatrocities, so it made it easier for hunters to pursue him and find his truewhereabouts. His disciples had no mercy, he was hunted, and once hewere captured, they killed him with a stake in his heart and then burnedhim to make sure he would never return. This act of killing the master of the vampire hunters, left the groupsomewhat disoriented and its members decided to hide for a while, leftthe territory and spread to other continents, all for the safety of the othermembers, but before leaving they made a covenant, which they wouldhave to discreetly disclose to the existence of these beings and whent
But when Leonor commented about her thoughts to Smarald, shereacted inexplicably, became totally enraged, which was not normal,and suddenly for no reason attacked her. Her appearance wasunrecognizable, she seemed to have mutated, her teeth looked bigger,and the color of her eyes, instead of pale green, as they used to be intheir vampire form, was red. When Leonor tried to reassure her bytouching her skin, she felt a higher thermal sensation than vampires, andit intrigued her. In turn, Smarald grabbed her by the clothes and threwher with all her might against the wall of the house, after then she fled.When Michael heard the fight he ran to where they were and foundLeonor passed out. As soon as she regained consciousness, shecommented that she believed her friend had been attacked by awerewolf, for she was with the warm body temperature typical of thosemystical beings. – Will it be?
Over the years, Smarald decided to put his old theory intopractice, shared responsibilities, and shared the leadership of thevampire clan with Vlad, in order to enjoy immortality, for one neverknows when the life of any being can be about to die out. In order tocarry her dual identity, she had to trace her existence in a parallel way,on the one hand to fulfill her role as a vampire, and on the other toperform activities and responsibilities equal to other humans, such aswork, studies, etc. Among all her goals, she swore that for non-mysticalactivities she would never use hers powers and chose not to live onlysurrounded by vampires, because receiving visitors is one thing, butliving every day, in the same circle, gave no different expectations tolife. Despite being questioned by Vlad, she implied that this decisionshe made was to be his daughter and leader of t
At nightfall Smarald went for a walk in the countryside, where shefound a grove near the farm. It was an ideal place to hunt and feed, evenperfect for future meetings with other vampires. After a few hours, shereturned to her room and prepared all the equipment she would need toperform her work. As soon as the rooster crowed, the young trainer was ready tobegin her pupil's physical preparation. All that was left was Michael,who, at the appointed time, was there, dressed in a gym suit, and in hishand he brought two bags, one with his swimming trunks andaccessories for entering the pool, and the other with water and energydrinks. – Before you exercise on the machines, let's warm up so that weprepare the muscles and joints for your most intense activities, whichwill help prevent future injuries. Store the bags in the barn as we willwarm up outdoors to enjoy th
During the year, there were good and unforgettable moments.Thanks to the effort and dedication of Michael, accompanied by histeam, they were able to exceed all expectations and goals they had set.However, to do so, they also had to face several classes of problems. The first was that, although Smarald was an excellent coach,Michael often clashed with her ideas, because, through many goodevents, actions they obtained, she could distort the story, telling it in themost negative way and always looking the dark side of the situation.Fortunately, these frictions that existed in the professional relationshipbetween them, were gradually overcoming until they managed to workin harmony. One day Michael went on a trip to see his father, and whenhe was returning home in his truck, he lost control of the vehicle and,after crashing several times against the road guards, was only able t