
     After that tragic event, no one suspected that Vlad had killed him. The months passed and the Popescu family had to totally change the routine of their lives. The family business was now run by the widow and this decision was very risky and pioneer for the time, which was criticized by the other nobles. As soon as she began working for her dead husband, she decided to send her son to boarding school to develop and expand her knowledge so that she could one day return and take control of her business. Meanwhile, Yelena was nearing the end of her pregnancy, and within days of giving birth, she agreed with Vlad that he would only transform her when the baby weaned, and only when the child turned 18 years would he do the same thing. This proposal was

consistent and even interesting to have a little life in the castle, to change the environment a little.

     It was on a crescent moon night at midn

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