I brought Jack’s dinner to his office. When he saw me entering with the tray in my hands, he looked quite surprised; his face seemed that of a completely confused person.

—What does this mean, Cristina?— Jack asked from his seat.

—I knew you were hungry, sir, so I prepared something myself. I didn’t see Soraya, and I didn’t want to bother her at this hour. We shouldn’t be abusive, and I made it with great pleasure— I replied while serving him dinner.

—You shouldn’t have done this; you’re not here for that, and I’m serious— Jack responded, still surprised.

—I told you not to worry. I did it with pleasure. My mother taught me from a young age to cook and handle household chores— I replied as I took a seat.

—That speaks to how well she raised you. Nowadays, it’s hard to find a young woman who knows how to do all that— Jack said while eating his dinner, his face showing satisfaction.

—Thank you for seeing that in me, sir! Just poor but very honorable— I responded with my head held high.

Jean C.

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