8. I do

Cassandra Reid's POV

My friend drinks from her glass while she takes her time answering. I bet she's pondering her answer very well, deducing that there is a context behind it. Leah is very intuitive and at moments like these, I want to hate her for it.

"What do I think of contract marriages? Well, they are my favorite subgenres of novels", she answers bluntly, "but that is beside the point. Why the question? Did the Italian ask you to marry him?"

I am speechless and stiffer than a board in my place.

"Oh dear Lord!". Her scream is heard throughout the room. "Did he?

I nod slowly and then, she starts jumping around hysterically, drawing everyone's attention.

"If you don't calm down, I'll pretend I don't know you and leave", I warn.

"Okay, okay, I'll calm down", she lowers her voice a little, "but... Damn! Tell me everything."

"Not here". I glance at the curious eyes around us. Luckily, half of our colleagues have left the party to move it to another place or simply go back to their ta
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