147. Unwanted guests

"Aisling, that's impossible; how can you know if even father or mother didn't detect it? I was only with the Alpha recently."

Ophelia couldn't believe it, but Aisling wasn't one to talk nonsense; she had been too premature in character since birth.

"Charlie told me, he's the most powerful here; that's why he knows before everyone else," Aisling confessed, worried for her sister, who was turning pale.

"Ophelia, what will you do? You know that everyone loves and protects the pup here, but the father, will you tell him about his child?

Ophelia fell back against the sofa with her eyes wide open.

She already had her mind in chaos, her life a mess, and now, because of her carelessness and negligence, a pup was forming in her womb.

A pup she hadn't thought for a second about getting rid of. For werewolves, life was sacred.

But would she be willing to tell Elijah? For what, what would she achieve with that?

"Aisling, you... can help me... can hide it a little from the others... from our paren
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