146. A puppy on the way

"Daughter, you're finally back," Olivia hugged Ophelia with red, tearful eyes, excited because she had missed her terribly.

When Lucian told her over the phone that Ophelia was in danger, they almost all went out to rescue her.

"Mom," Ophelia returned the hug with tears hanging from her lashes.

She had missed her home; now that she was hurt and disillusioned, this was her favorite refuge.

She barely stopped by the company to leave her resignation, said goodbye to her department friend, and returned with Lucian to the pack.

"You're home now, little one. No one will hurt you here; we won't allow it," Olivia said with love and looked at Lucian, asking with her eyes if he had already had a sincere conversation with Ophelia.

Olivia never agreed with what her mate did, but there were certain things where Lucian was too stubborn and wouldn't budge.

She just hoped it wouldn't turn into resentment between father and daughter.

Lucian told her, through their private bond, that everything was res
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