CHAPTER 8. No Way Out

CHAPTER 8. No Way Out

"No... I don’t want to be that kind of person," she stammered, unable to hold back her tears.

"Then I’ll fire you," Trembley declared without a shred of compassion. "Those are your options. Either you sleep with me and be sure you'll have a promising future here, or you refuse and this termination letter becomes effective tomorrow... and the day after tomorrow, prepare to lose your daughter."

Andrea was trapped between two fires; she didn't care about the promotion, but if she refused Trembley's offer, she'd lose her job. And as if he needed to give her a final push, Trembley leaned in and began signing the termination letter.

"Wait..." Andrea murmured, and that was all the old man needed. He took a paper, wrote an address, and handed it to her. "Meet me here tonight. Now get out of my office."

With a trembling hand and knowing she had no other way out, Andrea took the paper and left. She tried to cry unnoticed, but unfortunately, the damn company didn’t have the
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