CHAPTER 724. IN MY NEXT LIFE. A Different ProjectThe answer was yes, of course it was—always.There was no way Kim would say no to something like that. So nothing could stop her from putting her full attention into that project.And the truth was, she wasn’t really working, because doing something she had wanted for so long—especially knowing it would be in Peter’s hands—made her forget all the bad emotions that sometimes overwhelmed her.Bali was beautiful, she had to admit that, but she was also convinced she would have never truly enjoyed it, no matter how much time or money she had, unless she was there with him.Peter knew he shouldn’t let her exhaust herself too much, but he simply couldn’t resist every time she looked at him with those eyes and asked him to go for a walk around the little island.Walking along the beach was simply wonderful, and he found himself struck by the unsettling realization that, until that moment, he had never really enjoyed life. He had never appreci
CHAPTER 725. IN MY NEXT LIFE. A Small FootprintShe was sleepy. The landscape around her was absolutely perfect, so peaceful that if Kim was being honest, she had to admit she had never felt such a deep sense of calm in her entire life. Yet, something still tingled inside her—an urgent need to do one more thing, to leave at least a small footprint behind, something that would help others before she left.So, a month after arriving in Bali, Kim fought against her exhaustion to be the one to wake Peter up that morning.“What’s wrong, baby? Are you okay? Do you feel something?” he asked worriedly, surprised to see her awake so early.“Yes, it’s nothing… I just… I just wanted to ask if you’d be okay with us leaving,” Kim replied.“Leaving?” Peter asked, confused. “Leaving where, doll?”“Well, I was thinking… maybe we could go to England,” she sighed. “I’d really love to visit that school the Kings have. We could get some ideas and…”She trailed off when she saw the hesitation on his face.
CHAPTER 726. IN MY NEXT LIFE. In My Next LifeAnd if Kim was being honest, she didn’t really care what the school would be called. The only thing that truly mattered to her was that a place like that would be built for the children.“Where would you like it the most?” she asked as they flew back to Switzerland. She had already decided that she wanted to spend her final weeks at home.“Lucerne,” Peter answered without a second’s hesitation. “I wouldn’t trade Lucerne for anything. Most of my family is there, and as soon as my cousins hear about this, they’ll get involved as much as possible. Not to mention my parents—after raising so many kids over the years, they’re basically experts at this point.”“It’s funny how your mom never wanted biological children. I guess having you was more than enough, huh? I can’t even imagine all the trouble you must have caused her!” Kim laughed, picturing a young Peter getting into fights with Noemi or Levi, sneaking off to slide down the mountain—wheth
CHAPTER 727. IN MY NEXT LIFE. The Most Beautiful MemoriesIt was one of the most terrible feelings, and unfortunately, all of them were pounding inside her chest at that moment. The meeting with her family, explaining her new life project, was something that absolutely took everyone by surprise. But not a single one of her siblings, cousins, or uncles blamed her for wanting to dedicate herself to doing that; on the contrary, two of her cousins volunteered for the project, and three others got involved immediately with everything that would follow after, from creating the school to finding the teachers, defining the subjects, and obtaining all the necessary permits.So, by the end of the announcement, she had much more help than she had expected, and Kim truly felt happier than ever in her life for having had the chance to meet such a wonderful family.“You know what? When my parents finally let us go, maybe we can take the cable car up and I’ll take you to one of my favorite spots,” P
CHAPTER 728. IN MY NEXT LIFE. A Chaotic WomanShe was sweet, she was beautiful, and she had gotten under his skin in a way Peter couldn’t even begin to describe. His mouth traveled over her as if he wanted to devour her, as if he wanted to take absolutely everything from her—her last breath, her last moan—and keep it for himself, to preserve it forever.It was beautiful to see her squirm beneath his body, climbing toward pleasure, leaving little marks on his sides as he penetrated her slowly, deeply, until the rhythm turned violent and desperate.Kim felt everything inside her vibrating in a strange way. She could feel that tingling running through every nerve ending, dissolving in Peter’s mouth as he licked her breasts, or sending small jolts of pleasure down to her core.She felt every thrust, every delicious guttural growl that came from the man’s throat, every involuntary smile, every soft bite he left on her skin, but most of all, the perfect, exquisite way he sank into her body
CHAPTER 729. IN MY NEXT LIFE. The Antechamber of HellPerhaps the worst of all was that his hands were trembling—they trembled when he had to dress her, fasten those buttons, or pull up the zipper. Moving her as if she were a limp doll simply broke him in the worst way.“Damn it, damn it!” he exhaled a desperate growl as he tried to finish dressing her no matter what.He could feel that bitter tingling of tears trying to escape his eyes, but at that moment, he couldn’t afford to feel bad, not even to be scared.He finished getting her as presentable as he could and lifted her in his arms, rushing her to the snowmobile and sitting her in front of him.The only way he could keep her stable was by wrapping a couple of straps around her body, and Peter thanked God that he was at least good at that. Getting back to the ski station felt like the longest trip of his life, even though it only lasted a few minutes. However, as soon as he arrived, shouting that it was a medical emergency, they
CHAPTER 730. IN MY NEXT LIFE. The Perfect MomentIt couldn’t exactly be called “happiness,” but at least Peter felt a kind of relief that Kim was strong enough again for the doctor to allow her to leave the hospital.However, the hardest part had come when he put her in the car, leaving her chatting animatedly with his mother, so he could go back and take the list of recommendations the doctor handed him.“You have two options, Mr. Ferguson: when things start to get worse, you can bring her back here, or you can follow these instructions to create a more comfortable environment for her,” the doctor explained. Peter saw that the list included not just medical care instructions but also details about the kind of bed she should use and the recommendation that their home shouldn’t have stairs.“I’ll take care of this immediately,” Peter declared, and indeed, that same day, he placed the list in front of his parents.“I need a house that meets all these conditions,” he sighed. “I don’t wan
CHAPTER 731. IN MY NEXT LIFE. No Time to PostponeWas he nervous? That was a lie! He wasn’t nervous—he was beyond that. Anxious, desperate, hysterical, historical...If he were being completely honest, Peter had to admit he had never felt this way in his life. It was like stepping into one of those championships where he wasn’t sure he could win, where he knew he’d have to fight with everything he had to take home the prize—and the prize was undeniably her.After a short walk through the house, so cozy and small, Peter led her to one of the rocking chairs and had her sit down.There was no better moment than this one. There was no more perfect time, and he didn’t want to wait anymore.Kim’s lips parted in surprise as she saw Peter kneel on one knee in front of her and pull out a small box from his pants pocket.“By now, you can’t say you don’t know me,” he murmured with a soft smile, looking into her eyes. “And you know I’m possessive to infinity.”“That’s not true!”“I’m possessive