CHAPTER 728. IN MY NEXT LIFE. A Chaotic WomanShe was sweet, she was beautiful, and she had gotten under his skin in a way Peter couldn’t even begin to describe. His mouth traveled over her as if he wanted to devour her, as if he wanted to take absolutely everything from her—her last breath, her last moan—and keep it for himself, to preserve it forever.It was beautiful to see her squirm beneath his body, climbing toward pleasure, leaving little marks on his sides as he penetrated her slowly, deeply, until the rhythm turned violent and desperate.Kim felt everything inside her vibrating in a strange way. She could feel that tingling running through every nerve ending, dissolving in Peter’s mouth as he licked her breasts, or sending small jolts of pleasure down to her core.She felt every thrust, every delicious guttural growl that came from the man’s throat, every involuntary smile, every soft bite he left on her skin, but most of all, the perfect, exquisite way he sank into her body
CHAPTER 729. IN MY NEXT LIFE. The Antechamber of HellPerhaps the worst of all was that his hands were trembling—they trembled when he had to dress her, fasten those buttons, or pull up the zipper. Moving her as if she were a limp doll simply broke him in the worst way.“Damn it, damn it!” he exhaled a desperate growl as he tried to finish dressing her no matter what.He could feel that bitter tingling of tears trying to escape his eyes, but at that moment, he couldn’t afford to feel bad, not even to be scared.He finished getting her as presentable as he could and lifted her in his arms, rushing her to the snowmobile and sitting her in front of him.The only way he could keep her stable was by wrapping a couple of straps around her body, and Peter thanked God that he was at least good at that. Getting back to the ski station felt like the longest trip of his life, even though it only lasted a few minutes. However, as soon as he arrived, shouting that it was a medical emergency, they
CHAPTER 730. IN MY NEXT LIFE. The Perfect MomentIt couldn’t exactly be called “happiness,” but at least Peter felt a kind of relief that Kim was strong enough again for the doctor to allow her to leave the hospital.However, the hardest part had come when he put her in the car, leaving her chatting animatedly with his mother, so he could go back and take the list of recommendations the doctor handed him.“You have two options, Mr. Ferguson: when things start to get worse, you can bring her back here, or you can follow these instructions to create a more comfortable environment for her,” the doctor explained. Peter saw that the list included not just medical care instructions but also details about the kind of bed she should use and the recommendation that their home shouldn’t have stairs.“I’ll take care of this immediately,” Peter declared, and indeed, that same day, he placed the list in front of his parents.“I need a house that meets all these conditions,” he sighed. “I don’t wan
CHAPTER 731. IN MY NEXT LIFE. No Time to PostponeWas he nervous? That was a lie! He wasn’t nervous—he was beyond that. Anxious, desperate, hysterical, historical...If he were being completely honest, Peter had to admit he had never felt this way in his life. It was like stepping into one of those championships where he wasn’t sure he could win, where he knew he’d have to fight with everything he had to take home the prize—and the prize was undeniably her.After a short walk through the house, so cozy and small, Peter led her to one of the rocking chairs and had her sit down.There was no better moment than this one. There was no more perfect time, and he didn’t want to wait anymore.Kim’s lips parted in surprise as she saw Peter kneel on one knee in front of her and pull out a small box from his pants pocket.“By now, you can’t say you don’t know me,” he murmured with a soft smile, looking into her eyes. “And you know I’m possessive to infinity.”“That’s not true!”“I’m possessive
CHAPTER 732. IN MY NEXT LIFE. The Best GiftPeople said "I do" at wedding ceremonies, but for them, it couldn’t be like that. At weddings, people promised to love each other for a lifetime, and for Kim and Peter, that wouldn’t be enough.He didn’t even try to hide how much his hands were trembling as he reached for Kim’s hand and held it between his own. Someone handed him the wedding ring—he didn’t even notice who—but by the time the judge gave them permission to say their vows, she was the first to speak.“I don’t know what you did to me,” were the first words that left her mouth. “Honestly, I don’t know if it was you, Skatgan Peak, or that natural madness you carry with you everywhere, but the things I discovered in you, the feelings I discovered because of you... they can’t compare to anything I’ve ever experienced before. I wish I could say I don’t know how you found the courage to walk this road with me,” she murmured, her eyes filling with tears, “but the truth is, I do know—be
CHAPTER 733. IN MY NEXT LIFE. The Color of Skatgan PeakThere was no more beautiful news than this; there truly couldn’t have been, and Peter was sure that no wedding gift would move the girl more than this."Really, Peter, can we start now?""Of course, we already have all the permits!" he exclaimed, lifting her into his arms and squeezing her tightly. "The City Hall has given us their approval, now we just need to find a piece of land big enough, so if you’re up for a road trip, I’ve already got some land options we could check out."And Kim didn’t need him to repeat it because, no matter how tired she was, the desire to do something and be with him was always much stronger. So, by the next day, Peter had appointments in several places, and they immediately began searching for the perfect plot of land to start the project.The people around them seemed like busy ants, but the team of architects was more than excited, the construction company was just waiting for the green light to b
CHAPTER 734. IN MY NEXT LIFE. The Greatest Project of Our Lives"Is she sleeping?" Adriana asked softly, mindful of the small house and not wanting to wake her.But Peter slowly opened the bedroom door so she could see Kim curled up, then gently closed it again."I think you’ll have to leave all the dresses for now; she doesn’t seem in the mood to try anything on," he murmured, swallowing hard. "But I appreciate you taking the time to pick out some for her.""Don’t worry, I brought five versions of the perfect storm gray, and just so you know, there’s a very special surprise for the event," Adriana replied.Peter gave his cousin a hug and hung all those hangers in the closet so Kim could look at them later. Only a week remained until the project’s inauguration, and every day Peter feared more that she wouldn’t have the strength to attend. In recent days, he’d barely managed to get her to eat. He’d begged her to let him take her to the doctor, but Kim had categorically refused. They bo
CHAPTER 735. IN MY NEXT LIFE. A Special SurpriseAnd Kim hadn’t lied—she held the privileged camera. She took so many photos that afternoon that it didn’t matter if she did it sitting in a chair or in Peter’s arms. Every so often, he carried her like a bride in distress, whisking her away from anyone who might annoy her with questions or crowd her.Of course, Peter was more than happy to be her strength. He plunged that shovel into the ground with all the gusto in the world, posed for pictures, and kept his arms around her at all times while she cut the red ribbon that marked the official start of the project."Are you holding me up, or are you rubbing yourself all over me?" Kim teased, certain the pictures would make them look like a pair of tangled octopuses."What do you want me to say?" Peter sighed with a dramatic pout. "That storm gray dress—dark and dangerous like Skatgan Peak—ugh, it’s driving me crazy!" he murmured in her ear, gently biting her earlobe."Are you seriously try