CHAPTER 682. RED PROMISE. A SignalKhloe Nikaz’s face was like a horror story, and Ainara was sure she had just struck a deep nerve. The question was legitimate—it made no sense that Khloe would be the mastermind behind all of this, especially when Ainara knew very well that Weber had grown tired of cheating on her."Don’t say a word!" the senator growled at his wife, but it was obvious she didn’t respect him enough to keep her mouth shut."And why not?" Mauro growled as he stepped closer. "My wife is right. Besides, we know June’s biological mother wasn’t the only one he cheated on you with. Why the hell do you want his daughter?""Khloe!" Weber snarled, but his wife glared at him with fury."What?! Are you ashamed to say it now?" she hissed angrily. It was clear her obsession with the girl had long surpassed any love she might have had for her husband. "Can’t you admit out loud that I can’t have children?"Mauro and Ainara exchanged a look that lasted an eternity, but they didn’t ne
CHAPTER 683. RED PROMISE. A PromiseAinara felt her heart stop as she heard that growl. Over Mauro’s shoulder, she could see the scene unfolding so quickly it was terrifying. All she saw was Senator Weber falling like a sack of meat, his head pierced by the second bullet from the police. The first, however, hadn’t come from any of their guns.In front of her, Khloe was screaming at the top of her lungs, trying to reach the gun that had fallen from her dead husband’s hand. Luckily, the officers were restraining and cuffing her before she could grab it.Ainara’s eyes filled with tears as Mauro held her tightly, and she felt a hot wetness against her side.“This can’t be happening… this can’t be happening…” she murmured on the verge of a sob. When she opened her mouth again, it was to cry out for help. She didn’t even need to look to know Mauro was bleeding.“Jhooooon! Jhon! Help!” she shouted as she felt him stumble against her. One of the officers turned just in time to catch him befor
CHAPTER 684. RED PROMISE. This Isn’t Over“What did you saaaaay?!” Mauro’s face was shocked as the room erupted with voices scolding Jhon.“How could you say that to him?!”“Can’t you see you might give him a heart attack, and then it really won’t work anymore?”“Don’t scare my husband like that!”Amid the scolding, Mauro let out a sigh and smiled because Ainara calling him “her husband” was the sexiest damn thing anyone had ever said to him.“Calm down, love. You just need therapy to walk properly, that’s all…” Ainara murmured, leaning in to give him a gentle kiss. Jhon patted Mauro’s shoulder.“Exactly, physical therapy. Otherwise, you’ll be making your next kids to the rhythm of ‘La Cucaracha,’” he teased. “♫♪ La cucaracha… ♫♪ One, two, three… because I’m hobbling… ♫♪”“Jhon!”“Well, well, my mission here is complete,” Jhon said with a grin. “And don’t give me grief. This kid interrupted way too many of my attempts to make babies with Chiara with his ‘Uncle, let’s go to hockey.’ So
CHAPTER 685. RED PROMISE. A VerdictAinara held her breath. This was something she hadn’t expected—perhaps because she was used to Senator Rosso going to great lengths to erase any trace of her existence or their relationship. It didn’t surprise her at all that he had paid off a detective to halt the investigation. However, the rest of the police department, now exposed by the video, seemed to care deeply.“Do you think he’ll try something against us?” Ainara asked through clenched teeth.“We don’t know,” the detective admitted. “What we do know is that he’s facing criminal charges and will lose his Senate seat. Desperate people are capable of doing anything foolish.” He sighed. “I think we’ve just proven that.”Mauro gave a subtle nod of agreement, aware that his Uncle Jhon was prepared to mobilize whoever was necessary to protect them. The detective said his goodbyes, leaving them alone.“Don’t worry, babe. I’m not going to let anything happen to you or our little one. Got it?” Maur
CHAPTER 686. RED PROMISE. The End of a ChapterFor Ainara, it wasn’t good news, bad news, or any kind of news at all. She had never seen Senator Rosso’s son as her brother—not even her half-brother—and the fact that he was contacting her after the scandal had come to light was clearly no coincidence. The question remained: what were this man’s intentions?“He wants to meet,” she murmured with a sigh, and Mauro stiffened.“You can say no. You know you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” he told her.“I know, but I thought… I don’t know. I think I’d rather know what I’m dealing with. If his intention is to hurt me somehow, I’d prefer to face him and figure it out sooner rather than later,” she declared.Mauro wrapped her in a powerful hug and kissed her head gently.“Alright, we’ll do it your way. Just promise me you’ll let me be there when you see him. I couldn’t stand the thought of anything happening to you—do you understand?”She nodded slowly. While Mauro returned to thei
CHAPTER 687. RED PROMISE. A Family MadnessAny other woman in her position would have jumped for joy. It wasn’t every day that a Keller got down on one knee to propose. But Ainara wasn’t the type to make a scene over something like that—because a wedding meant little to her when she already had a marriage that felt entirely real.Her eyes welled up with tears for a beautiful moment, and she stepped back to look Mauro up and down with a sigh that was nothing short of coquettish.“I’ve got to admit it: I never thought I’d actually see you down there, pretty boy,” she whispered.“I never thought I’d get the chance,” he sighed, though his voice trembled with hope. “The first time was all protocol, doll, but now I want to do this right, and I want to do it for real. I love you, and I want the chance to repeat the promise I made to you, this time loud enough that any of my brothers, cousins, uncles, parents—anyone in the family—will have every justification to shoot me if I ever lose focus.
CHAPTER 688. "AND THIS IS NOT OVERTHE BEGINNING OF A NEW STORYLoan Keller hadn’t lied. He really had half of the Champs-Élysées shut down, and it turned out to be one of the most spectacular weddings the family had ever seen. The event was especially memorable because the bride decided against wearing white. Instead, Mauro nearly drooled when he saw her walking toward him, hand in hand with their daughter, draped in that stunning, coquettish red dress—so striking, so very her.Ainara reached his side and took his hand with a sincere smile. For the first time, her heart felt at peace when she heard him repeat the words that had once made her trust someone for the first time in her life."My vows are short, baby doll, because you’re right: promises are too powerful for a speech. So, I’m just going to repeat what I told you so many years ago, and this time, I’ll keep it. I’ll love you until my last breath." Saying that, he slid a gorgeous ruby ring onto her finger. "Red, like promises,"
CHAPTER 689. IN MY NEXT LIFE. SYNOPSISThere was nothing wrong with not falling in love. Peter Ferguson reminded himself of this every day, especially whenever reporters asked about his personal life and gave him concerned looks when he said he didn’t have a partner. No one understood that snow and extreme sports were his true passion, and that he had never accepted any commitment that could take him away from the slopes.But love comes when you least expect it, when you least want it, and sometimes, tragically, when it’s no longer meant for you. The problem isn’t falling for a woman who seems tailor-made for him; the problem is that this woman can no longer love him.The problem is not arriving at the right moment.The problem is knowing the love of your life is no longer yours. But perhaps, just perhaps, in the next life, they’ll be able to find each other again… in time.CHAPTER 1: A Dangerous DealIf there was anyone in the world who was even-tempered and adaptable, it was Peter