CHAPTER 419. A CAGE FOR THE QUEEN. A Difficult Decision

CHAPTER 419. A CAGE FOR THE QUEEN. A Difficult Decision

Jhon wasn’t sure if he should answer, but after three calls, the persistence was too much. He finally grabbed the phone and picked up.

“Hopkins, who’s this?”

A melodic voice responded from the other side.

“Agent Hopkins, code and access number, please.”

For a second, Jhon hesitated.

“I don’t have one,” he answered curtly, almost sensing the doubt from the other end.

“I think I didn’t hear you, agent. Your code and access number so I can connect you, please.”

“You heard me perfectly. I said, ‘I don’t have one.’ I don’t have a code or access number.”

The sweet voice suddenly turned irritated.

“Agent, without the requested information, we won’t be able to connect you,” the woman reprimanded him.

“Well, that’s perfect because, to begin with, I wasn’t the one who called you,” he replied and immediately hung up.

Not even five minutes passed before the phone rang again, and on the other side, he heard a rough, annoyed voice he knew a
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