CHAPTER 414. A CAGE FOR THE QUEEN. One Single Mistake

CHAPTER 414. A CAGE FOR THE QUEEN. One Single Mistake

Chiara couldn’t leave. She had already made a decision about that; she wasn’t going to escape and live as a fugitive for the rest of her life. However, that wasn’t the only option she had to ensure her child was born somewhere else. She just needed to think of the right strategy.

"Don’t worry," she murmured, looking into Jhon’s eyes. "I have to figure out what to do, but for now, it’s fine if you help me with the doctor."

She saw him nod, respecting her wishes even though he still seemed worried. She knew he wouldn’t be entirely at ease. Jhon kissed her hands again and looked around at the box on the table. He slid it closer with a smooth motion and smiled.

"Do you want to play?"

Chiara gave him a weak smile and nodded. He didn’t want to leave, but they couldn’t just sit there in the same room with the tension building, so playing made the most sense.

Unfortunately, the first game ended much sooner than Jhon had expected, and h
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