CHAPTER 412. A CAGE FOR THE QUEEN. What’s it going to be

CHAPTER 412. A CAGE FOR THE QUEEN. What’s it going to be

If it hadn’t been for how heavy the equipment was, and the fact that he couldn’t make a sound, Jhon would have shot himself over the outer wall with a cannon. But instead, Billy took control of the cameras again, and Jhon climbed as quietly as he could.

Twenty minutes later, in the most perfect darkness, Jhon slipped through the terrace window and into the room.

Chiara was sitting on the couch, legs crossed beneath her, looking expectant. The lights were off, and only a small nearby lamp allowed them to see each other. Jhon approached slowly, as if afraid to startle her.

“Hi,” he whispered softly as he sat down across from her and handed her a package, which made her smile.

“Chocochips,” Chiara murmured, and he nodded.

“I’ve got like fifty packs at home since you said they were one of your cravings,” Jhon replied. “If that’s not true, just let me know, and I’ll let the guys steal them—like they haven’t tried already.”

Chiara str
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