CHAPTER 405. A CAGE FOR THE QUEEN. The End of the Game

CHAPTER 405. A CAGE FOR THE QUEEN. The End of the Game

She wanted only one thing, and Jhon knew it: to save her family.

Before, he had thought he shouldn’t get involved, that she was doing it for her name, and that money was more important than her freedom. But seeing Chiara in that cage was enough to make him realize that no, money wasn’t just money, and Asterion Bank wasn’t just a bank—it was her family’s entire legacy. He had destroyed generations of work with a single USB.

He didn’t sleep that night, not when he knew he had one last chance with her, the final one, and that he needed to find a way to earn another at any cost.

He waited, waited impatiently for the next day, after the morning nausea and the rejection of any food, for Chiara to sit down in front of that chessboard.

But first, she received a visitor.

Chiara hugged her sister and accepted the gifts the whole family had sent with her.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t come yesterday. It was complete madness. I wasn’t even in t
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