CHAPTER  360. A NAUGHTY GIRL. Happy Endings. Uncertain Beginnings

CHAPTER 360. A NAUGHTY GIRL. Happy Endings. Uncertain Beginnings

Everyone knew. Now, absolutely everyone knew what was happening between them, but Noémi seemed very content with that. Life was gradually becoming less complicated. The family kept gathering, and just two days before Peter’s first birthday, Levi presented her with that document.

They were in the middle of a romantic dinner when he handed her the adoption agreement for her to officially take Peter as her son.

Noémi looked at him in astonishment, and Levi panicked, of course he panicked, because up until that moment, he thought this was what she wanted.

“I… I’m sorry, I thought this is what you wanted,” he murmured, taking the document back. “But maybe we shouldn’t rush things, right?”

Noémi reached out her hand to stop him and pulled her purse closer, taking out an identical document she had prepared herself.

“I was going to ask you the exact same thing,” she said, and they both laughed, realizing how in sync they truly
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