CHAPTER  343. A NAUGHTY GIRL. Noémi Keller is not a woman anyone tells what to do

CHAPTER 343. A NAUGHTY GIRL. Noémi Keller is not a woman anyone tells what to do

Levi felt the tears knotting his throat, but he finally turned and pushed his son’s stroller towards the door. He stopped at the threshold, his hand on the handle, and turned to look at Noémi one more time.

He couldn’t allow it, he couldn’t lose her, no matter what he had to do or accept. It was true that he had left, but it was also true that he had decided to come back.

When the door closed completely, Noémi walked over to lock it and rested her forehead against the wood. She wanted to cry so badly it hurt, but she couldn’t allow herself to. After all, she was the CEO of Asterion Bank, and she wasn’t going to fall apart just because a man had broken her heart. She simply wasn’t willing to give it away again.

But as she prepared for her wedding, Levi had also made the decision to fight.

The next morning, very early, he sat at the edge of his bed, his back hunched, his head bowed, and his arms crosse
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