CHAPTER  339. A NAUGHTY GIRL. Wedding News


The mansion’s living room began to fill with trophies very quickly. Precisely, Oskar Larsen had come to celebrate one of the latest achievements and invited Levi to sit on the terrace for some drinks while the boys prepared a barbecue.

"Here. This is a special gift," he said, placing an envelope in front of him.

Levi opened it curiously and found a check with a substantial bonus and a pair of open airline tickets for him and the baby.

"It’s to thank you for everything you’ve done for us. I had confidence in the boys; they’re good, but I never imagined that in just five months, you could lead them to Gold in a national competition. You truly are a great athlete," Larsen assured him. "Use the tickets to travel wherever you want. The boys already have theirs, and I think they’re deciding where they’ll go. Isak!" he called to his son, who came running over. "Have you already decided where you’re going?"

The boy smiled nervously.

"To Cancún. We al
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