CHAPTER  329. A NAUGHTY GIRL. A good beast

CHAPTER 329. A NAUGHTY GIRL. A good beast

Of course, everyone treated him very well, and the women in the family immediately took over Peter, taking him to play with Andrea and Zack’s younger kids. The family was gathered, and the atmosphere was extremely pleasant, but every now and then, Levi noticed the Keller brothers giving him strange looks.

“It was you, wasn’t it?” Loan said quietly, nudging him with a conspiratorial elbow. “You’re not fooling me, it was you.”

Levi looked up at the ceiling, pretending to be clueless.

“I really don’t know what you’re talking about,” he muttered. “There were lots of witnesses who saw me here... you saw me here!”

Loan nodded mockingly, but the truth was that no one believed he had hurt his knuckles against a tree.

“I was wrong,” Milo said, throwing an arm around his shoulders. “You’re a good beast. Now let’s drink until our wives scold us!”

Spending the afternoon with the Kellers was very pleasant, but by nightfall, both he and Noémi were dozing o
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