CHAPTER  326. A NAUGHTY GIRL. An Eye for an Eye

CHAPTER 326. A NAUGHTY GIRL. An Eye for an Eye

The scream that could have echoed through the entire house was muffled by Levi’s fist as it slammed into Axel Grimma’s face.

"I have to admit, I was... *astonished* when I found out you lived all alone in such a mansion," Levi laughed, pressing down on the ski pole that had pierced Axel’s foot. "I imagine this is to compensate, right? Because you must be lacking a lot of balls to blackmail a woman like Noémi."

"W-What... what are you doing...? Are you crazy?!" Axel screamed in desperation as tears of pain welled up in his eyes.

"No, not crazy. I'm just very, very angry because you nearly killed my woman. And on top of that, you threatened to send me to jail and leave my son alone? How stupid are you?"

Levi pulled the pole out with a furious gesture, then wielding it like a bat, struck directly at Axel’s leg. Axel screamed in desperation as he tried to move away, but as soon as he took the first step, a searing pain shot through his knee,
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