CHAPTER  311. A NAUGHTY GIRL. I’m not going to resist

CHAPTER 311. A NAUGHTY GIRL. I’m not going to resist

Levi shot her a murderous glare. He paced the room back and forth until he finally gave up and went to take a shower.

Noémi chuckled softly as she kissed the baby and finally laid him down in his crib, fast asleep... and she didn’t even have time to turn around. A hand covered her mouth, and Levi’s hot body pressed against her back, pushing that uncontrollable erection against the curve of her ass.

“Grab the monitor,” he ordered in a deep, husky voice that made her gasp in anticipation.

Noémi reached out and found the baby monitor, turning it on as he dragged her out of Peter’s room and closed the door. The next thing she knew, her back was pressed against a wall, and his mouth was completely dominating hers. She could feel his hands roaming over her body with desire, his tongue fiercely dancing in that kiss.

She wanted to lose herself in the heat of his body, in his hands exploring at will and lifting her skirt to slide his finger
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