CHAPTER  309. A NAUGHTY GIRL. Got it, Boss."

CHAPTER 309. A NAUGHTY GIRL. Got it, Boss."

"Eliyaz, can you take care of him for me? It’s very important," she said.

The man, who was about sixty years old, smiled gently.

"Of course, Miss Keller, I’ll take care of it."

Noémi winked at Levi and quickly headed towards the plane. Her executives were already lined up in two rows waiting for her, and she passed through the middle, returning to her routine of signing papers and taking calls.

Levi watched her board the plane and sighed. They couldn’t be more different, but the truth was, it wasn’t like they were getting married or anything, and desire didn’t care much about social classes.

Mr. Eliyaz was very kind to him, driving him back to the office building with the utmost courtesy. Soon after, Levi was driving back to Lucerne, unable to stop thinking about how soft the inside of that woman was compared to the icy facade she always wore like a mask.

The next two days were strange for him. Noémi barely responded with a couple of senten
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