CHAPTER  290. I WILL MAKE YOU MINE. A huge problem

CHAPTER 290. I WILL MAKE YOU MINE. A huge problem

Danna woke up before sunrise. The morning light began to shine through the walls, bathing the room in its glow.

She looked down and saw Loan sleeping on the living room couch on the first floor. She had missed him all night, but he had insisted that they should honor all the traditions, and tradition dictated that the bride and groom shouldn't sleep together the night before their wedding.

She jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to give him his good morning kiss. All the wedding preparations were done; they just needed to show up and repeat what they had already said to each other a thousand times: that they would love each other forever.

"Hey, handsome..." she whispered in his ear as she straddled him. "We have a huge problem."

Loan heard the word "problem" and immediately sat up.

"What happened? Are you having second thoughts? Don’t tell me you’re having second thoughts, or I’ll drop dead right here, redhead!"

Danna smiled, wrappin
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