CHAPTER  284. I WILL MAKE YOU MINE. I want... more...

CHAPTER 284. I WILL MAKE YOU MINE. I want... more...

A second later, they were both naked, and Loan knelt, pulling her onto him, pressing her against his body. Danna felt his warm abdomen against hers and that monstrous erection that never stopped rubbing against her.

Her sex tightened with excitement as their tongues met in a desperate kiss. Danna could feel every surge of need in her sex, every drop of moisture slipping between her open legs, and she could only want more.

Loan's hands went to her buttocks, caressing, squeezing, positioning her to receive him, and Danna pulled away from his mouth the moment she felt his member pressing at her entrance.

Loan paused, seeing her tense, and looked into her eyes.

"It’s okay if you don’t want to..."

"Shut up..." she whispered, panting. "I’m not doing this, it’s my body that wants to eat you, and you’re just playing hard to ge... Aaah!"

Words, breath, everything left her as Loan’s member pushed into her in one go. She was so wet that the o
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