CHAPTER  250. I WILL MAKE YOU MINE. Desperate Hours

CHAPTER 250. I WILL MAKE YOU MINE. Desperate Hours

Seconds passed, then minutes, until Emil’s arms began to fall slowly. Danna could hear his last breath, could feel his last heartbeat. The only thing she couldn’t see was the expression of terror in his eyes, but she didn’t need to because she had felt it with the rest of her body.

She didn’t let go. She stayed there, clinging to him until the adrenaline started to leave her system and her muscles gave out completely.

Emil fell to the floor, lifeless, and Danna just stared at him as if she hadn’t done it herself. An hour passed, then two, and many more... Danna didn’t even know how many, just that they were enough for someone else to push the door open.

“Emil? What’s going on? Why haven’t you come dow...? Ahhhhhhh!”

Ailsa’s scream snapped Danna out of that stupor, and she looked at her. She watched her mother run to the body at her feet and turn it over, only to recoil in horror. Emil’s eyes were open, and he was already stiff. He wa
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