CHAPTER  176. You look, or should I?”

CHAPTER 176. You look, or should I?”

“Come on, my love!” he said as he led her to the center of the room for their first dance as husband and wife. “God, I’m so nervous! I hope I live up to it!”

The guests watched them with excitement, some amused, others a bit skeptical, unsure if Zack was any good at dancing. The newlyweds walked to the center of the dance floor, where Zack gently wrapped his arms around Andrea and asked:

“Are you ready for this?”

She nodded with a shy smile, giving him a kiss before they started dancing to the music. Andrea sighed with happiness as she melted into Zack’s embrace. They slowly twirled around the room for several minutes, lost in their own world, until Zack whispered in her ear:

“You make me so happy.”

Andrea responded with a voice that was slightly unsteady:

“And you make me…”

The tone of her voice was strange enough that Zack stopped and looked into her eyes.

“Sweets, what’s wrong?” he asked, and she shook her head.

“Nothing, love. All that spinnin
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