CHAPTER  171. No Threat Without Consequences

CHAPTER 171. No Threat Without Consequences

Andrea felt the adrenaline hit as she watched Zack in that restaurant with Giselle. Giselle was dressed far too elegantly, and it didn’t take her even a second to start cozying up to Zack.

“That little b—” Andrea growled in frustration. “I swear, I’m gonna rip her hair out!”

“Easy, easy… Let’s go.” Chiara pulled her by the hand. “He’s doing his part, so let’s do ours.”

Jhon had already located Giselle’s apartment, and they headed straight there. Neither Andrea nor Chiara were surprised when he pulled out a set of lockpicks and had the door open in less than fifteen seconds.

“Ouch! I’ll remember that for future reference and never cuff you.” Chiara winked as they entered the apartment. “I’ll stick to plastic ties.”

Jhon gave a half-smile, and as they started searching, he leaned into her back, pressing his body against hers.

“I thought you returned the card when I gave it to you,” he murmured in her ear.

“I did… but I already had one,” Chiar
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