CHAPTER 163. As I Was Saying…

CHAPTER 163. As I Was Saying…

Just five minutes—only five minutes—after Zack left that building, Andrea felt a rage she hadn't experienced in a long time. Especially because when she looked at her watch, she realized Zack had been disappearing from the company around that time for the past few days. She hadn’t paid much attention before since he was never one to sit behind a desk—he was always on the move. But seeing this now, it all started to make sense.

She didn’t even go to the office. Instead, she turned around and went home to try and calm down. When Zack arrived that afternoon with Adriana, she didn’t greet him with a kiss.

“What were you doing with Giselle today in a downtown building?” she asked, straight to the point, and Zack’s eyes widened.

He knew she wasn’t one to beat around the bush, but he immediately denied it.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Andrea,” he said, looking her straight in the eyes, and she clenched her fists.

“I saw you, Zack! I saw you today!
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