CHAPTER 159. Everything you told me

CHAPTER 159. Everything you told me

"Come on, tell me calmly," Zack said as he pulled Loan toward Andrea's room.

He had been considerate enough to rent a separate suite for her and the baby, after all, they were on a date and he was courting her. However, Andrea had given him a key for emergencies, and this was one of them.

"Sweetheart! Can I come in? I need you!" he called, just poking his nose through the door. Andrea opened it all the way, surprised to see Loan so distressed.

"Of course, Little Thor, come on in. Is everything okay?"

Together, they managed to get Loan to sit down and explain what was going on.

"Well... you can always go ask, right?" Zack encouraged him. "Do you know her full name?"

"Yes, it's Danna MacKenzie, she's one of the best skaters on the Scottish team, but I didn't see her with them last night," Loan said. "So yeah, maybe she didn't want to see me, but to not be on the team either? It just doesn't add up," he insisted, shaking his head. "I don't know, my gut
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