CHAPTER 135. Guilt

CHAPTER 135. Guilt

For a long minute, an infinite and terrible minute, Andrea closed her eyes and tried to accept it. She had to; there was no other choice. Zack was standing in front of her, consumed by guilt, and she was sure that would never leave him because he was a good man, a man with a good conscience, so forgetting that he had caused a death, even indirectly, would not be easy for him. So the only thing she could do was try to alleviate that feeling.

She slipped into his arms and pressed herself against his chest.

"I know you only wanted to protect us. I know, Zack," she said softly as she clung to him and stroked his back. "This will never leave us, but you can't blame yourself because if I had been in your place... maybe I would have done the same..."

"Or maybe not," he murmured. Tears came out forcefully, and he sought refuge in her arms.

"You know what? Parents don't have a choice," Andrea said, playing with his hair. "You've taken responsibility from the beginning; you'v
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