Inicio / Todos / Revenge / Capítulo 11 - Capítulo 20
Todos los capítulos de Revenge: Capítulo 11 - Capítulo 20
20 chapters
Part Eleven - Dangerous Passion
On some occasions the desire to see her again was so great that she even wanted to create situations that would allow her to return to the place where she met her just so that she could resume the conversation they had to interrupt during the first meeting. Antônio was a great friend of Mauricio, coming from a humble family, but faithful confidante, who always reserved most of his time to listen to his outbursts. Especially when dealing with the various problems arising from the bad relationship between him and his father, lover of bohemia and debauchery. United, the two friends devised a plan so that Mauricio could see the girl who had so impressed him.  The best way was to have a big party at his house and invite Colonel Santiago. When he came, he would certainly bring his supposed niece and there would be a second chance to get to know her better. And so they did, since their father would have cared little for any festive event he did, as he loved these occasions to
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Part Twelve - All for Freedom
While the other party went to the orchard of fruits of the region to rescue the young woman who should be waiting for them at the exact moment the fire started. But, in order for the whole plan to work and not happen, a messenger should take the news to her, through Adalgisa, her guardian, who was collaborating with everything. And so it was done without wasting time, one of the gunmen who knew the place well went there with a message from Mauricio. He used the excuse that he was there looking for work. It was customary for those who sought to provide services on farms in the region to be received by those who were there. Then they were taken to eat something, before going on their journey, if they were not accepted by the foreman. And, in the case of Eurico, who had previously worked on that property and left without any disagreement with his boss. It was easy to be welcomed by his old friends and in the middle of the brief interaction he passed Adalgisa the note. I
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Part Thirteen - Frustrated Attempt
The main objective was to make sure that the young woman was indeed the fugitive and after confirming this, they left in return to Santa Maria farm, bringing the news to the ferocious Colonel. The foreman took the suit to Santiago:   — Good morning Colonel, I bring news about the investigation that you recommended to be carried out in Marajo, regarding the girl Walquíria   — Then go on talking, man, stop beating around the bush!   — We found the fugitive, Colonel. She is on a big buffalo farm a few kilometers from the village of Soure. And worst of all I haven't even told you yet ...  — So, say it, Juarez, don't make me more anxious than I already am!  — We have also found out who was the one who had the courage to invade their lands, set fire to their rice and corn fields, so that during the confusion they could take the girl  — What the hell, man, will make me lose my temper, stop suspense and sa
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Part Fourteen: The Rematch
The return trip was tiring and the only satisfaction he had in his soul was that he would get home, be able to hug his son, kiss his beloved and rest beside him as he always did when he returned from a business trip. But what really awaited him were moments of complete despair and anguish. Several times Walquíria had portents that one day Santiago would invade that farm and destroy the peace they had created for them and their son together, but he never believed his warnings.  Because of the economic power she had, she was untouchable, but she knew that evil does not measure limits and, when she decides to act, no matter how strong the barriers of defenses that are created to avoid it. Because of his disbelief he would now return home and find his lands invaded and his wife missing.  Upon arriving at his property, he was appalled by what he found, and demanded explanations from his foreman. He wanted to know where his missing wife and son were. The prisoner
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Part Fifteen – Revenge
Mauricio faithful friend, who had been suffering serious threats from Santiago, when he was trying to discover the whereabouts of Walquíria. The humiliated Colonel was again placed in front of the woman who for a long time treated her like a sex slave. So that before his former subordinates he would hear the death sentence she had in store for him. Beside the avenger was her husband and all the other men who served her on the five farms that she owned in Marajo as cowboys or foremen. Also, those who, after the invasion that resulted in the arrest of Santiago and the death of their thugs, decided to stay there. Only silence could be heard in that moment of profound suspense, she headed towards the place where she once saw Eduardo's body, totally devoured by the rodents that infested the old basement of the house, where the colonists' working tools were once kept. Gallons of flammable products, such as diesel oil and gasoline, were there in large quantities.  But
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Part Sixteen - Settlement of Accounts
After finally winning and destroying the evil that haunted them, the two could finally resume the happiness that was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of their enemies. For four years they lived there in complete peace. The son, Felipe, grew up extremely fast and became more and more identical to his father. But there was still a reckoning between Walquíria and the justice, for the crime committed against Damasio. She had murdered her adoptive father, because she seriously detested assaulting her mother, which resulted in her death. Aluísio, a respected and efficient civil police investigator in the capital, had been investigating that unsolved crime for many years and tried to find the murderer so that she could be tried according to the law. It was a hot summer afternoon, when the couple returned home from a quick survey of the farm, after learning that some buffaloes were suffering from some serious illness and a certain number of them were already dead, with th
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Part Seventeen - The Condenation
Such was the revolt of the other women. His visit to the cafeteria and other facilities lacked permanent surveillance, due to the constant death threats he received. Negra Buba, who for his absurd size and strength was the one who led the others, and also the one who most learned to hate the newcomer. He was always criticizing and showing an intense desire to take the life of the helpless girl, who defended herself as she could in that hostile and trapped environment.The management of the place was changed a month after his arrival, the former director was replaced by a woman of few scruples, the type who did not like the prisoners and sold himself easily. Negra Buba met with the new head of the house, in the company of twenty other women, and put in their hands a certain amount of money acquired from the sale of drugs that took place inside the penal house, coming from outside and that was brought by relatives during constant visits, swearing total loyalty. If he transferre
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Part Eighteen - The Kidnapping
  — Honey, I want to make you a proposal  — Same? So, tell me soon, because you know how curious we women are!  — Okay: What do you think about taking a trip to Paris to forget a little about all the tribulation we have been through these past months? — But what a great idea my love, you always with your big surprises. Yes, let's get out of this place a little bit and try to forget everything we've been through — That's right, without forgetting the trauma caused in Felipe with so many problems — It's true, our son needs to have a little peace — We all need this to overcome so much pain, I will be communicating our decision to our travel agent so that he can take the necessary measures as soon as possible. The couple took the last minutes before dusk to exchange caresses and catch a glimpse of the sunset over the waters of the river, which qu
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Part Nineteen -The Rescue
The woods around the river were completely full of men looking for the kidnappers, a great siege was made over the entire area where they could have gone, Martim believed they were intent on going down to the crossing of the waters of the two tributaries, where they would certainly make use of some vessel towards Manaus. What still worried them was not knowing for sure what they could have done with Mauricio, since it would be of no use if they were already in possession of all the money, they demanded to release him. Walquíria was very apprehensive about this and asked them for more effort in their searches: — Please, my friends, I ask you for total commitment in this quest to free Mauricio, remember that he would give his own life to help any of you — We know that missus, the boss is a good man and we will do everything possible to bring him back home safe and sound as soon as possible, rest assured that everything will work out
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Final Part
Large traders moved from the capital to the new city located in Marajo, the population increased and lacked a ruler. The invitation was made to him. At first she was reluctant, but with the encouragement of the inhabitants and the support of Mauricio.  She gave in to the appeals and accepted to run and was elected the first female governor in the state with a significant number of votes, without giving the least chance to the other candidates for the position. Four years later, after successfully fulfilling his first political mandate and receiving several honorable titles for the life devoted to the most, needy and for the various support programs for riverside dwellers, he accepted from his party the proposal to run for the mandate of governor of Pará. What she did and once again was elected in the first round of the elections, and governed her state with the same dedication in favor of the neediest social classes. This way he left in history a legacy of his c
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