The dirty alleys, always full of rats, served as soccer fields for most of those boys who were born and raised in complete poverty, with no prospect of change. The small village of Icoaraci, located a few kilometers from Belem, was inhabited in large part by poor families, street vendors, street vendors, housekeepers and still an enormous amount of unemployed people who caused permanent terror to anyone who passed through those dark and deserted alleys. Making their victims, often fatal. Among these were Pedro and Felipe, Dona Suely two oldest children. A determined, hardworking woman, of extreme moral character, determined to maintain the house in a dignified and honest manner. Quality that was taught exhaustively to both, who never listened and ended up getting involved with the criminal world. Bad friends, bad way. Her routine was to leave for work early, only returning in the middle of the night. Bringing some food from the houses where he worked as a
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