Capítulo 11


Alexandra POV'S

Esta apunto de terminar de arreglarme en eso, sonó  mi celular con una hermosa canción que conocía a la perfección........

You don't own me

You don't own meWoah, let's go

But I'm Gerald and I can always have just what I want

She's that baddest I would love to flaunt

Take her shopping, you know Yves Saint Laurent

But nope, she ain't with it though

All because she got her own dough

Boss bossed if you don't know

She could never ever be a broke hoYou don't own me

I'm not just one of your many toys

You don't own me

Don't say I can't go with other boys

La llamada era de Esteban,velozmente tome la llamada..

-Hola pequeña , como estas??-dijo el 

-Hola, cansada y usted

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