Chapter 720
"Why are you so fired up this early in the morning?" Felix asked.

Melissa was still fuming. "Boss, haven't you seen what happened to the shop next door? It turned into a floral wreath boutique overnight!"

A floral wreath boutique? Felix hadn't noticed earlier. He only remembered there being a beauty salon next door that was not doing well and was looking to sell. How did it become a floral wreath boutique?

"Here's to good business! Looking forward to being neighbors."

Billy walked in with a grin, which sent Melissa storming to the back room with one last comment, "That stupid fatso is the one who opened the boutique!"

No wonder Melissa was so angry. No business would want a funeral flower shop next door.

"Billy, what's your deal here?"

Billy grinned and said, "Nothing. I quit my job at Sixview Peak and need to make a living somehow. Since this is all I know, I figured I'd scrape by with a funeral shop. You know better than anyone how effective my merchandise is against spir
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