Felix's nose picked up that nasty smell. Even with all that perfume, the stink was impossible to miss. He zeroed in on a good-looking woman in her 20s, who was sitting with two guys and chowing down on barbecue. She looked like she was part of the group, but her eyes gave away her total lack of confidence. He snapped a quick photo and turned to Lindsay, who was already enjoying a fresh plate of barbecue. "You probably shouldn't eat too much. Aren't you afraid of putting on weight?" Lindsay just let out a devilish chuckle. "I'm one of those lucky people who never gain weight. My manager's just worried I'll wreck my voice. Most singers won't touch spicy food, and some won't even eat anything crunchy. "They're scared of some freak accident, but I couldn't care less." After Felix ordered some food, Lindsay finally felt satisfied with all the food she had. "I'm not going to let you buy me dinner for free. Come have lunch with me tomorrow. I've got a college buddy in Kashmere. She'
Felix said, "Maybe you should check out this video." Chloe was scared at first and was ready to scream for her friends. But when she saw her friends in the video, curiosity got the best of her, and she kept watching. As those nasty comments hit her ears, she saw the pure disgust in their eyes. Finally, she broke down. "You never really know people. It's best to just walk away from these young men." Chloe fought back tears as she glanced at the two young men, who were still chatting away. She muttered a quick thanks before heading in the opposite direction. Felix followed her and said, "I'm a traditional medicine practitioner. I can cure your body odor." What? Chloe looked totally shocked. As someone dealing with body odor, she knew how impossible it was to treat the condition. But her guard went up instantly. "I don't even know you. Stop following me." She knew better than to believe in free services from strangers. Even though Felix had just helped her, who knew what h
Felix asked, "Is your boss a Malevolent Phantom?" Hearing this, Reeco sneered. "Are you regretting what you've done? Too bad now. It won't help. But if you kneel and knock your head on the ground a few times, I might consider letting you go." A crisp sound rang out. Both young men collapsed to the ground while clutching one of their arms in pain, which was clearly broken. "Go ahead and send that Malevolent Phantom after me." Felix had figured it out. Whatever Malevolent Phantom they were talking about was probably just somebody's nickname. No actual Malevolent Phantom would be this brazen. Those Phantoms knew exactly how officials referred to them ever since they existed on this planet. Acting like this would be suicide. …The next day, Felix received a call from Marley at 10:00 am. "Mr. Zeller, the supplementary investigation is complete."Felix immediately perked up. This could determine the entire investigation's direction. "Were any of the dead victims known to have
Angie did not show any look of disdain to Felix, and she seemed like a nice woman. Felix replied, "You're right, Ms. Sinclair. I'll remember that." Just then, Lindsay arrived, and the atmosphere immediately became more lively. "Hey, one's my high school friend, and the other is my college friend. What a rare moment! Cheers!" After a while, Angie asked, "Lindsay, how's your entertainment career going?" Lindsay pouted. "Not great. Without a big-shot mentor as a middleman, breaking into two fields is tough. You know how it is." Angie looked sympathetic and helpless, sighing. "I can't really help with that. My dad might know some people in entertainment, but your fame is actually bigger than mine." Hearing this, Felix asked, "So, you want to do movies and TV?" Lindsay nodded. "Yeah, that's actually my dream. How fulfilling would that be to make a few films with great reviews? They might be remembered for hundreds of years! "Music's okay, but it's just sounds without a face.
Everyone looked at Felix, their eyes showing different reactions. "Felix, thanks for your good intentions. But sometimes, we just can't make things go the way we want them to." Lindsay quickly tried to smooth things over, knowing Felix meant well. But sometimes, well-meaning lies just would not cut it. Yet, Felix spoke again, "I know someone who can probably solve your current crisis. So, you really don't need to do something you don't want to do." Chad could not hold back anymore. He wondered what kind of friend Felix was to talk big so casually. "Listen up, you brat! The worst thing you can learn in life is bragging. For every lie you tell, you'll need a hundred to cover it up. Got it? "Stop giving Lindsay false hope. You're just making things worse." Angie frowned, too. Though she knew Felix meant well, how could this possibly help? "I wonder if Dreamscape could solve your problem." Dreamscape? The two who were about to leave turned back, their eyes filled with dis
Chad and Lindsay were absolutely sure that it was Dreamscape's voice. Felix asked, "Hey, do you know Lindsay?" "Yeah, she's quite good at singing. Her technique is solid, and she nails the emotional delivery. She's got a bright future ahead."Lindsay immediately covered her mouth and cried. If her comment was posted online, it would instantly boost her market value by tenfold or even hundredfold. After all, it was something Dreamscape had said. "So, here's the thing. Lindsay's my old friend, and her real dream is acting. I was wondering if you could help introduce her and help her make that dream happen." Chad was excited. Dreamscape might be just a singer, but her status in the entertainment world was unparalleled. Even a casual comment from her carried massive weight. "Sure, I'll send you my manager's number. Have Lindsay contact him. I'll put in a good word, but tell her not to forget her main gig—she really can sing." "Got it! Thanks, then. Bye!" After hanging up, th
It had only been one day since the A-tier Malevolent Phantom had last attacked. Was it losing its mind?Felix's face darkened. He didn't say a word. He just stood up and hung up the phone. "Sorry. I've got an urgent matter to handle." Normally, Angie would have thought this was incredibly rude. He had come asking for a favor, yet he was leaving so abruptly. But after what just happened, everything had changed. "Lindsay, did you really not know Dreamscape is Felix's cousin?" Lindsay gave a bitter smile. "Do I look like I know? Even if I did, I'm not the type to go begging for help." Her frustrated smile just deepened Angie's confusion. "Wow, you've just thrown me a major curveball! Felix has a connection like that, and I'm trying to find him a job? It's like teaching a professional chef how to boil water." But Lindsay saw things differently. "Angie, I can't say I know Felix super well. But from our school days and our recent encounters, I can vouch for his character. "The f
Felix nodded and said, "Exactly. Let's investigate quickly." Because of the Malevolent Phantoms, headquarters' main focus was now cases related to them. Regular cases were handed over to law enforcement so personnel could be mobilized incredibly fast. After leaving the scene, Felix went home to wait for the results. At sunset, Marley arrived. "You were right, Mr. Zeller. The young woman with the lingering fragrance definitely had body odor before her death." Felix got excited, reviewing the materials while asking, "Did you guys figure out why they were at the abandoned building?" That was the first crime scene, and Felix was sure of it. The fact that these people would go to such a remote location seemed suspicious. "Yes, we did. They would occasionally record videos about paranormal stuff. They go to scary places, then post online to gain attention and make some extra cash. "They had finished filming at the abandoned building and were probably preparing to leave when the