Chapter 7

“Yes, Victoria. I thought you already understood. Now you have a life to take care of, my son. And whether you like it or not, you must abide by my rules” Before he ended the call, she was the one who hung up on him angrily at everything that was happening. No matter how upset she was she still ended up eating half a box of chocolate. But then her stomach turned and she ended up flushing it all down the toilet. She once again felt unwell and with that terrible dizziness shaking her body, she did not want to go through a bad moment again but she had to be aware that it was just the beginning of what was coming.

Getting pregnant would definitely not have been her own choice. Because she was only pregnant by that contract. Without wasting any more time, she tried to look good and not give that impression of being very pale or sick because her mother would soon realize her state was so different from her. Once she was ready, she left the house and took a taxi to the hospital. She, althoug
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