With all the happenings on the Capital, on the battlefields of Scharen and the impending coup on the Empire. Many Cardonian researchers and volunteers have recently swarmed Archesia. The amount of "new" spieces of flora and fauna were a treasure trove for the researchers and scientists. Volunteers on the other hand especially those sponsored by the Cardonian Red Cross have been travelling all around the countryside providing medical programs.

As part of the agreement with Archesia, Cardonia is obligated to improve the country through tech transfer and training. Spearheaded by Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Fisheries, volunteers and social workers have been continuously conducting many different training.

On the agriculture side, the introduction of cross planting and more effective fertilizers were the key areas being developed. Many infrastructure programs are already being studied or started, this ranges from wind and water powered mills, creation of a systematic irriga
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