The massive army lurches towards the town. The massive fireball has left a big gaping hole on the town walls, the townsfolk are now in disarray and are trying to form a defensive line on the breached wall. The whole brunt of the army made up of beast are coming from the North of the town, the forward base is on the Western side.

They are outnumbered by a good margin. From atop a hill, soldiers are giving the Prince and the officers intelligence on what is going on. The afternoon skies are covered by ominous dark clouds a sign of an impending thunderstorm.

"Should we help?" the Prince then asked the officers with him.

"We can engage them in a good distance, we could help them your Highness." 1st Lt. Crowall then said.

"But we don't have a good reason to help them, besides we need clearance from the top to engage them." 2nd Lt. Macres then added.

"In situation like this, the Prince has authority to give his command. Any kinetic actions now are justifiable, considering human lives are on
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