"We have to leave, your Highnesses! Now!" a burly member of the Royal Guards done in coat and tie argued as he and his team tries to grab their Prince and the Azalean Princess who is standing still, frozen, watching the city of Esden in flames.

Knowing the danger, the Royal Guards grabbed the Royalties who is in complete shocked towards the waiting Mercedes S600 state car.

"What is going on? Guards?!" asked Andruei as he entered the fairly armored vehicle.

"It seems the Palace was attacked. We don't have the details yet. Everyone is in pure utter chaos. But we know our job and that is getting you the hell out of here your Highness." the Royal Guards commander said. He was in front of the luxury car with on his left is one of the most experienced drivers on their ranks.

The Mercedes sped off quickly further in towards the mountains. Heavily escorted with the few vehicles they have.



People are panicking on the streets. The Air Raid siren has been going off for minutes
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