Chapter 6192
Just when Fleur was on the edge of her seat, the helicopter pilot suddenly received a radio message that said, "N77DT, this is the NYPD. You are leaving New York airspace. Please return to New York airspace immediately and proceed to the designated location for landing and inspection.

The pilot was startled.

NYPD was the abbreviation for the New York Police Department, and N77DT was the registration number of the helicopter he was flying.

This meant that the police had just spoken to him directly.

The pilot was a member of the Qing Eliminating Society in New York. Until today, he had remained in silent standby at the organization's New York base. According to the organization's internal rules, during the silent period, except for the Scouts responsible for vigilance, no one was allowed to leave the base without permission, seek out external information, or actively contact the outside world. They should behave like a submarine in silent mode.

Therefore, the pilot did not know
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