Chapter 6182
Enraged, Fleur queried, "Zekeiah disappeared early this morning. How did he leave the hospital? Don't you know?"

"No," the policeman answered honestly. "All the CCTV footage is gone. To find clues, we can only rely on forensic experts to search the crime scene bit by bit, but the clues at the crime scene have been destroyed. Not even a complete footprint or fingerprint can be extracted, so for the time being, we don't know how they left."

As Harrison's henchman, Hank might not be the most powerful martial artist, but he was a professional agent and very good at handling various clues. Charlie had ordered him to stay here yesterday to clean up all the clues and make it difficult for the police and Fleur to make any breakthroughs, and Hank had completed his task flawlessly.

Fleur felt a deep sense of powerlessness. At the thought of the Four-Sided Treasure Tower, she queried, "The antique dealer... B-Biden Cole, right? Isn't he admitted here? Where is he now?"

The policeman answe
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