Chapter 6180
The medical staff were busy with their duty of tending to the patients, while the security department was like a cat on a hot tin roof.

The reason for their anxiety was that two very bizarre incidents had happened this morning.

The first incident was that the patient in Ward 1707 had been found dead in his bed earlier that morning. The preliminary cause of death was acute morphine intoxication, and the autopsy report from the police was in progress. The hospital reviewed the patient's medical records.

As he had been admitted to hospital following a car accident, he had indeed been injected with morphine last night to relieve the pain, but the recorded dosage was very safe and unlikely to cause morphine overdose, so the possibility of homicide was not ruled out.

Secondly, this morning, as the staff responsible for the surveillance system discovered that the system had some minor vulnerabilities that needed fixing, they opted for an automatic repair, but after the repair was comp
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