Chapter 6174
When Julien heard Helena's arrangement, he knew that she wanted to spend some time alone with Charlie. If he had any common sense, he would do as she asked.

Moreover, given the current situation, Julien knew that Royce would not have a chance of winning Helena's heart, and his family could completely rule out the idea of marrying into the Nordic royal family.

Julien's strength lay in his awareness of the situation. Since something was already beyond repair, he certainly wouldn't waste any energy on it or set himself up for trouble.

So, he very politely said to Helena, "That sounds like a good idea. Thank you for the arrangements, Your Majesty."

Helena gestured to her personal housekeeper and informed her, "Take these two gentlemen to their rooms."

"Yes, Your Majesty," said the young woman.

After that, she turned to Raymond and Julien. "Sirs, please follow me."

The two men followed Helena's housekeeper and left. Helena then said to Charlie, "Mr. Wade, this way, please."

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