Chapter 6156
The phone currently had 70% battery power after being turned on, which meant the Rothschild family was not as careful as Raymond had anticipated. If it were him, since the phone battery had run out, he would have let the phone run out of power and turn itself off automatically after copying all the information in the phone.

At this moment, Raymond was completely relieved.

Noticing the family's negligence, he firmly believed that Charlie must have a way to take the Four-Sided Treasure Tower out of New York under the Rothschilds' strict defense.

Maybe the tower was on its way back to Oskia now!

The Chief Judge pursed his lips awkwardly and reassured, "Don't worry, Mr. Cole. I'll report this matter to the police and have them investigate thoroughly to find out who used your phone."

"Forget it, Judge." Raymond smiled slightly and waved it off. "I will not pursue this matter."

Both the judge and Brian breathed a sigh of relief. If this matter was exposed and set off another chai
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