Chapter 6152
Zekeiah was dazed for a while before saying with a determined expression, "I understand!"

Charlie asked, "Let me ask you, why did the Qing Eliminating Society not stop after my parents died? Why did they place you and Adrienne as moles in my grandpa's family?"

"I don't know..." Zekeiah shook his head. "All I know is that we were given a training mission the year your parents died. A total of 60 scholars participated in the training with the purpose of successfully marrying Lulu and Jaxson, but we don't know why the Lord did this."

Charlie frowned and interrogated, "Fleur let you hide in my grandpa's family for so long. Why did she suddenly turn against him and try to kill them?"

"I-I don't know either..." Zekeiah stuttered with a blank face. "I guess she wanted me to take over the Ackers smoothly. Once all the Ackers die and I take over the family legacy, the family will be on par with the Society."

"That's impossible." Charlie shook his head. "Even I don’t care about money,
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