Chapter 6145
At this moment, Zekeiah had no idea that the young doctor wearing a mask in front of him had anything special about him.

He felt that with his status, even the chairman of the hospital would treat him with utmost respect and modesty.

He viewed the young ER doctor as someone who wanted to get to know him and curry favor with him.

Hence, he did not take Charlie seriously.

Charlie, on the other hand, donned a polite smile and said, "Mr. Cash, I'm the head of the ER. We are here to see the patient's family. Are you his family?"

Zekeiah raised his chin and said arrogantly, "He is my assistant, so, yes, I'm his family. You can tell me anything about him."

Charlie smiled and began, "Oh, since you are our distinguished guest, in order to show our respect, we decided to move the patient to the VIP ward on the top floor. The room is much larger and more comfortable than this room. It is more convenient for you and your companion to keep the patient company."

While speaking, Charli
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