Chapter 6142
Charlie took the file and looked it over. The patient's name was Joel Carr. He had been admitted to the hospital after being hit by a vehicle, suffering from multiple soft tissue contusions and superficial injuries. However, there was no damage to his bones or muscles, so it didn't seem to be a serious problem.

Charlie turned to Pitt and queried, "His condition isn't serious. There's no need to admit him to the hospital, right? Wouldn't it be enough to just observe him in the ER?"

Dr. Pitt gasped and quickly explained, "You may not know this, but the patient is Mr. Zekeiah Cash's assistant. Zekeiah is very famous in New York, and his wife is a member of the Ackers. He personally called the hospital director and asked him to transfer the patient to the 17th-floor ward for treatment."

"What did you say?" Charlie frowned in dismay. "Zekeiah Cash? Lulu Acker's husband?"

"Yes!" Dr. Pitt nodded.

Charlie curled his fingers into a fist and gritted his teeth.

It seemed that the thr
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